Ranting to an empty room.

It’s time once again to find a place to stash my long winded rants and free up those little boxes they have for you to type into on Facebook. Granted, those boxes have a lot more space than Twitter, which is why I’ve never really used my Twitter account. It honestly seems that if you are going to post something worth talking about, 140 characters doesn’t look like enough space to get the idea across. Of course, that is my perspective, and when you look at my current on-line discussions, well, I am a bit wordy.

Prompted by my wife and the results of a horribly long post that was taken completely out of context, I decided I’d put my stuff someplace else. Not all of it. The short posts, the snarky comments, and the frustrated cries of a man suffering from rational (or delusional) thoughts will still be in those other locations. The much more complicated and reactionary stuff will go here.

While this site isn’t up yet, isn’t fully fleshed out, and woefully underpopulated of any substantial content, I’m still going to post here. What am I posting? Who knows. The site is about how we find a concept of Truth and manage working it into our life. But life is a big topic. Still, it’s the only subject that is really accurate, so there we go. Anything is up for discussion, reaction, and review. It will be examined from the viewpoint of how does it work in our primary consensual reality, as well as from a high-level view.

I also plan on running a live podcast for people who are interested in more real-time discussions of the topics I want to examine. I strive to be as nonpartisan as possible and think a conversation with multiple views on any situation are not only desirable, but also necessary. Without the difference in opinions, we limit our successes in most areas of life. Some of the first topics I want to cover are minimum wage, potential conflicts with China, the disconnect between perceived and practiced dogma in religion, and why does D&D 5th seem to not suck when reading it, but when you play it, well, it just feels not that good.

If I directed you over here from one of my other rants on the net, congratulations on actually stopping by. There should be something new here every day, but then again this is me, and life is life. Occasionally things that seem set in stone change, and maybe this blog might be a good catalyst to motivate me to do more with my life. Maybe it will wind up another archived WordPress site floating in the now non-neutral Net.

As both Gandalf and Gollum said, “We shall see, we shall see.”

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